Friday, May 13, 2011

Love your BODY

Continuing to focus on body issues. Why? Well because I think its one of the greatest personal issues facing women today. Because it affects  me daily, because its a part of my life. I mean these body issues extend to men too of course. All human beings, male and female alike should not feel like they are not good enough or are undeserving because of a number on a scale or a pants.

Check this out! , this is a link with something I really think is so true. Women, we should stop prejudging ourselves based on what we think others may be thinking of us. Speaking of ourselves in negative ways concerning our bodies not only makes others more aware or our perceived imperfections but also makes us look unconfident. Choose to be comfortable in your own skin.

How often do we look at other women, our size or bigger and think... "wow she looks great!" . Yet when we look in the mirror we can't say the same about ourselves. We cant see the beauty we see in others in ourselves. We are much more judgmental of ourselves. Or how often do we see very slim women and think.."wow I wished I looked like that. if i did i would be able to look great in that outfit". 

Let's make an active attempt to stop all this negativity. Look in the mirror in the morning and always start the day thinking something positive about yourself and your body. If you don't love your body no one will. NO one else can make you love your body but you.

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